Modi says - 'will handover his social media accounts to women who 'inspire'."
After his cryptic tweet on 2nd March, Monday, which left the netizens baffled, Prime Minister Modi has finally ended the suspense. On Tuesday, 3rd March, Modi tweeted that he would give up the social media accounts for one day as a part of " #SheInspires" campaign to mark Womens Day on March 8.
"This Women's Day, I will give away my social media accounts to women whose life & work inspire us. This will help them ignite motivation in millions. Are you such a woman or do you know such inspiring women? Share such stories using #SheInspiresUs" the PM tweeted. The PM also shared a picture, saying it's "your chance to take-over" PM Modi's social media accounts for a day. PM Modi said that the move will help women ignite motivation in millions. PM Modi's post grabbed several reactions from the netizens after it was posted on twitter. While Modi fans showed support towards his 'great gesture', several people showed humor.
PM Modi is one of the most followed politicians on social media globally with 44 million followers on Facebook, about 53 million followers on Twitter and more than 35.2 million followers on Instagram and 4.5 million subscribers on Youtube. He is the third global leader to achieve the milestone after US president Donald Trump and his predecessor Barrack Obama.