Dear Government, please bring back the black money

The economy of the day in our Country is shattered due to the reasons not to be detailed here, as to why blame anybody, it may create another controversy. Therefore, it is better to explore the possibilities as to how and who could handle and take it in their hands to give a big boost to strengthen it through certain remedial measures and maybe, we should take our countrymen into confidence and make them understand before dealing with such harsh steps. Basically, the main objective with the Govt or the next popular Govt that comes into power with clean and dedicated people who must have that required potentials in their minds i.e. the money of the Politicians deposited into the Swiss-Banks should immediately be withdrawn and transferred back to India and be treated as Indian National property forthwith. All Banks in our Country should ensure to supply the detail of Total money deposited with them by big Guns in general and by the politicians in particular with their complete addresses and all that along with the detail of their family members, close relatives, known ones with the further clarifications to the effect that any huge amounts deposited with the Banks namelessly with an untitled mode which must create doubts in the minds of investigating agencies that certain account/amount holders can not earn or manage to have such access towards the huge amount deposited by them under their name and style in a very white way. It is because of the very hard fact that this practice was never practiced upon earlier by the fellow Politicians due to their being CHIPS OF THE SAME BLOCK. It certainly allowed to happen due to the reasons that there was no option rather THIRD option available with the people of this country, whom they could have been able to elect and sent them to Parliament. Apart from the said remedy, there are other measures to be adopted likewise first to strengthen the shattered economy that too in the sweet will of the clean and responsible people in power, otherwise, the condition of our Country as on today is clearly visible and in case it goes on like this, definitely, we may stand nowhere in the eyes of the World and we may be held responsible by our generation and the generation to come. All detail to be given here is not possible. Its a gist simply.